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How is my group’s donation spent?

Each month the Tri-County Intergroup financial report is made available at the intergroup meeting. You will find the current financial report on this page.

What’s the difference between my home group’s district and the intergroup?

AA Districts primarily serve the general public, CPC, HI, corrections, etc., while the intergroup primarily serves the AA groups in our area.

What if my group doesn’t attend or donate to Tri-County Intergroup?

While we hope you do, the services of the intergroup are offered to your group regardless of your participation.

Can I buy general recovery books at the intergroup?

No. Subject to the AA guidelines, tradition five, and the Tri-County Intergroup bylaws, the member groups decided only conference approved literature, and other material, as voted on by the member groups, would be sold at the Tri-County Intergroup office.

How does the intergroup serve AA’s Districts?

Our office hosts District meetings and provides support to our three districts.

How is the intergroup financially supported?

Our primary means of support comes directly from group donations and literature revenue. Our annual activities also help support the intergroup.

Who manages the intergroup office and oversees its functions?

In accord with Tradition Two, the ultimate authority is a well informed group conscience. The Tri-County Intergroup has a Steering Committee comprised of five Officers, a chairperson, co-chair, secretary, treasurer, and office manager. The Steering Committee is an elected body responsible for managing the intergroup office and subcommittees and is accountable to the member group representatives.

What is the history of the Tri-County Intergroup?

The history of the Tri-County Intergroup office can be found on this site by clicking here.

What’s the difference between an intergroup office and a clubhouse or meeting hall?

The guidelines for a clubhouse or meeting hall and intergroup or central office make clear distinctions between the two. Feel free to browse these guildelines to help further understand the difference. While some central offices double as meeting halls, the Tri-County Intergroup office was specifically formed to avoid blurring these lines and does not host regular AA meetings.

What is the Tri-County Intergroup?

The intergroup is a body whose mission is to serve the AA groups of our area, and the public at large, by providing a local phone number for AA, 636-970-0013, maintaining our website,, inventorying and selling literature, newcomer packets, etc, publishing a monthly newsletter, the Sobriety Sentinel, hosting annual activities, and fulfilling 12-step calls and service. The intergroup can generally be described as the clearing house of information and service between your group, our three districts, and the intergroup itself.

Here are links to the AA guidelines for an intergroup or central office, and the Tri-County Intergroup bylaws.