District 19 is located in St. Charles County, MO. The boundaries are north to Lincoln County boundary; east to Highway 79 and Salt Lick Roads, and along Mexico and Putman Hill Roads; south to Missouri River; west to Warren County boundary.
The September 5th meeting will be a voting meeting for open positions. Please show up and stand for your favorite service position.
Our District 19 meetings for GSRs (General service representative) of all member groups is held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm – 7:30pm. The meeting is off of North Service Rd. between Bryan and Main. Meets upstairs. 37 Elaine Dr. O’Fallon MO 63366
For most A.A.s, membership in a home group is one of the keys to continuing sobriety. In a home group, they accept service responsibilities and learn to sustain connections with other recovering alcoholics.The home group affords individual A.A.s the privilege of voting on issues that affect the Fellowship as a whole; it is the very basis of the service structure. While many A.A. members attend other groups as well, the home group is where they participate in business meetings and cast their vote as part of the group conscience of the Fellowship as a whole. As with all group conscience matters, each member has one vote.
The role of the general service representative, or GSR, is essential to the purpose of general service. Bill W. wrote in Concept I of The Twelve Concepts for World Service: “The A.A. groups today hold ultimate responsibility and final authority for our world services.” The role of the GSR is essential to ensuring that groups can fulfill that responsibility. Only when a GSR keeps the group informed and communicates the group conscience can the Conference truly act for A.A. as a whole. This communication is a two-way street, making the GSR responsible not only for bringing forward the group’s voice, but for taking back to the group Conference actions that affect the Fellowship’s unity, health and growth.