District 19 Volunteer Committees and Positions

for DCMs & Volunteer Positions

DCM – Mike K 
The district committee member, or DCM, plays a vital role in general service. While the GSR is the voice of a group, the DCM is the voice of a district. A district needs a leader. The GSRs will look to the DCM for guidance on being GSRs and serving their groups. They will look to the DCM to lead on forming an agenda for district activities. They’ll want to be inspired and encouraged, but not told what to do.

A DCM who can set their own opinions aside in favor of listening and supporting the district’s GSRs and of understanding and advancing the conscience of the district’s groups is practicing two important principles of leadership in A.A.: leading by example and serving with humility.

The DCM learns the thoughts, wishes and needs of the district’s groups in different ways. Many districts set aside time in their meetings for GSRs to give reports on what’s happening in their groups. This gives the DCM the opportunity to listen, to ask questions and to make suggestions (and to follow up to see if the suggestions helped).

Alt DCM – Adam T
The alternate DCM serves as a backup for the DCM. If the DCM is unable to attend a district meeting or area assembly, the alternate DCM can step in. The alternate can chair the district meeting and vote on behalf of the district at an area assembly or area committee meeting. If the DCM resigns or is unable to serve for any reason, the alternate often steps in. How this is handled is up to the GSRs in the district.

Treasurer – Mary M
Secretary – Tony K


Corrections – Dave S
The committee shares information about AA with professionals and other workers in correctional facilities.
We as a committee:

  • reach alcoholics who might never otherwise find the AA program by cooperating with correctional personnel;
  • finds alcoholics who need help (almost guaranteed in correctional facilities); 
  • know the regulations of the facility and we follow them, as they can vary;
  • help establish AA groups inside correctional facilities;
  • share what AA is and is not with personnel;
  • connect Inside AA members with Outside AA members

Treatment – Open
The Treatment Committee works to further the acceptance of A.A. in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and similar facilities, and to bring additional help to alcoholics under treatment there.

Bridging the Gap – Shaun
The Bridging the Gap (B.T.G.) Committee works to help alcoholics coming out of alcoholic treatment centers or correctional facilities to make the transition from there into the A.A. program. Use the online B.T.G. Request Form to initiate help for an alcoholic transitioning from a facility.

Grapevine – Greg H
This committee’s members work to make sure that members are aware of the Fellowship’s international journal and the enhancements to sobriety it offers

CPC/PI – Open
This committee seeks to create mutual understanding and cooperation between the fellowship and those professional groups and individuals concerned with alcoholism and the sick alcoholic.

This committee tries to carry the AA message and provides information about the Fellowship to the public.

Accessibilities – Pat I
This committee works to ensure that both A.A.’s message and its meetings are accessible to alcoholics with special needs.For instance, through its District Accessibilities Committee Chairs and Liaisons, this committee:

  • Presents accessibilities workshops or informational talks on special needs/accessibility issues at the group and district level
  • Contacts nursing homes in the district: we remind that anyone, or any district, wishing to visit nursing homes, should try to collaborate with the District or Area Public Information or Cooperation with the Professional Community committees. Nursing homes, in large part, are neglected by A.A. These homes, historically, have not contacted A.A.; it has had to contact them. Untreated alcoholism thrives in this environment. Leaving information with the homes may be enough in some cases, in others, meetings will have to be brought in, or rides to meetings provided.
  • Assists deaf alcoholics by working with deaf institutions and locating translators
  • Helps set up and support Spanish speaking meetings
  • Works toward correct/complete information in meeting directories

Accessibility needs: who has them?

    • A.A.s from minority groups: Deaf, Native Indian, Spanish, African American, Gay, and Lesbian;
    • A.A.s from a variety of cultures that have primary languages that are not English;
    • A.A.s who are deafened or hard of hearing (do not use American Sign Language);
    • A.A.s who are house or hospital bound;
    • A.A.s who are parents that are unable to find suitable childcare to attend meetings;
    • A.A.s who do not have transportation;
    • A.A.s who are not able to drive themselves due to health conditions;
    • A.A.s who are house/hospital bound due to heath conditions;
    • A.A.s that are unable to drive as a result of receiving a DUI;
    • A.A.s who live in nursing homes/foster care homes;
    • A.A.s who are blind or have low vision;
    • A.A.s who use wheel chairs/walker/canes;
    • A.A.s who have limited English speaking, reading and writing skills;
    • A.A.s who are with a dual diagnosis (i.e., mental illness and alcoholism);
    • A.A.s who have head injuries; and,
    • A.A.s whose speech is difficult to understand.

Workshop – Theresa B