Starting a New Group

Reasons for starting a new group vary, but the ways to go about it are basically the same.

Important to establishing an A.A. group is the need for one as expressed by at least two or three alcoholics; the cooperation of other A.A. members; a meeting place; a coffeepot; A.A. literature and meeting lists; and other supplies.

Once the group is off to a good start, it would be helpful to announce its presence to neighboring groups; your Tricounty Intergroup can add you to our website and to AAs Meeting Guide; You will also need to get a local district number from Central Services in St. Louis; your district and area committees; and the General Service Office. These sources can provide much support.

To list your A.A. group with G.S.O., click on the New Group Form below. Complete and return the form to G.S.O., Box 459, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163.

Please see below for suggested reading. We suggest you pay particular attention to the section “Naming an A.A. Group” in the pamphlet “The A.A. Group”

Each new group receives a complimentary handbook and a small supply of literature at no charge when it registers with the G.S.O (one of the many services made possible by the regular support of other A.A. groups and individual members).