Tri-County Intergroup Office, serves the registered groups and even non-registered groups in the Tri-County Area. That is the Counties of Lincoln, St. Charles and Warren. Its also a fact that AA knows no borders and we are willing to help the alcoholic wherever they may be. If you would like to help us carry the message, please consider contributing individually or on behalf of your home group. We appreciate the hand of AA and will help it to always be there.
We use Zeffy for credit card donations, recurring and non-recurring. Zeffy provides this service to non-profits like us for free. When you choose to contribute using this online credit card method, there are fees that are presented by mastercard, visa, American Express etc. to cover the fees Zeffy will ask you to contribute to their cause of providing the service to entities like us for free. You are free to do so. You may also select another contribution rate, and set it to $0.00. We encourage you to do what is right for you. You may also send your contribution in with your IR rep or visit us at The Tricounty Intergroup meeting it’s on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 12:00 PM at:
Campus Office
2021 Campus Dr.
St. Charles, MO 63301.
or mail your check payment made out to “Tri-County Intergroup Office” to:
Tri-County Intergroup Office
PO BOX 832
O’Fallon, MO 63366