The purpose of the District 14 committee will be to act as a service body for Alcoholics Anonymous. It shall protect and respect the autonomy and the privilege of dissent of any or all A.A. groups in the district.
District 14 provides communication between groups of our district and A.A., as well as a structure for A.A. service activities.
The District Committee shall consist of GSRs or their alternates, District Officers and Service Committees, as it deems necessary.
The boundaries of District 14 in St. Charles County extend North to the Mississippi River and Lincoln County Boundary; East to the Mississippi; South to the Missouri River; West to Highway 79 and Salt Lick Road, and along Mexico and Pitman Hill Roads.
District 14 meetings for GSRs (General Service Representative) of all member groups is held on the last Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm. Room 105 907 Jungermann Rd, Saint Charles, MO, 63304, or Join our Zoom Meeting. Minutes from these meetings can be found here.
Additional information regarding District 14, its positions/members, and how it functions can be found in the District 14 Procedure Manual.