To get help now from a person in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), call 636-970-0013, 24 hours a day. Our goal is to carry the AA message assist groups and alcoholics in Lincoln, St. Charles and Warren Counties. We provide Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Literature • Answering the Call • AA Meeting Listings • Activities • provide other information on our recovery resources. Our Metropolitan areas include Ofallon, St. Charles, St. Peters, Troy, Wentzville and Warrenton.

Help the Tri-County Intergroup reach the Alcoholic. We need your Contributions

 Meeting Notices 

For Today’s AA Meeting List Click Below:

Don’t see your meeting on our website or in the Meeting Guide app? Meetings in our database are automatically added every 12 hours to the AAWS Meeting Guide app and in their national database. MeetingGuide  Be sure to have your meeting IR update or add your meeting info, especially if you are no longer meeting.

The Tri-County Intergroup provides AA-approved literature at reduced rates. Please see SHOP tab or contact our

 AA Events 

 Tri-County News 

 This Months . . . Step, Tradition, & Concept
Step 2: "Made a decision to turn our will and our livesover to the care of God as we understood Him. "
Tradition 2: “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking. ”
Concept 2: “To insure effective leadership, we should endow each element of A.A.—the Conference, the General Service Board and its service corporations, staffs, committees, and executives—with a traditional “Right of Decision. ”
Area District Meetings

District 14 meetings for GSRs District 14 meetings for GSR (General service representative) of all member groups is held on the last Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm. Room 105 907 Jungermann Rd, Saint Charles, MO, 63304, or Join our Zoom Meeting

District 19 meetings for GSRs District 19 meetings for GSRs (General service representative) of all member groups is held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm – 7:30pm. The meeting is off of North Service Rd. between Bryan and Main. Meets upstairs. 37 Elaine Dr. O’Fallon MO 63366.

District 20 meetings for GSRs District 20 meetings for GSRs (General service representative) of all member groups are the 1st Monday of each month 7pm @ Zion Church Main St. Troy, MO 63379

Tri-County Intergroup Meeting

Click Below to enter the Online Intergroup Meeting when active:

Monthly IR/Secretary’s meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 12:00PM on Zoom and at The Office 2021 Campus Dr St Charles, MO 63301. In the event that Sunday is a holiday it will be held on the 4th Sunday. To Join Zoom click on the Button Below
Meeting ID: 857 6653 9747, No Password

Intergroup Announcements

PO BOX 832, O’Fallon, MO 63366

CHAIR: Krysta M. –
CO-CHAIR: Kelly W. –
SECRETARY: Colleen S. –
TECHNOLOGY – Amber W.. –
12-STEP – Sandy S. –

Looking for Service Work? Volunteers always needed! Join with Committee Chairs for Literature, 12-Step answering service, Activities, Sobriety Sentinel, and Technology. Contact your Intergroup Representative (IR) or Secretary at your home group for more information and/or come to the monthly meeting.

Tricounty Intergroup Meetings The Tricounty Intergroup meeting is on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 12:00 PM. Meetings are a Hybrid of Zoom and in person at the Campus Office. 2021 Campus Dr. St. Charles, MO 63301.

Intergroup meetings are open to all. Feel free to stop on down and see the workings of how intergroup can be of service for your group, where donations are being used, and types of service work that is needed to carry the message and keep the hand of AA always there if needed by individual of group.

The thoughts and ideas expressed in this website are those of the Steering Committee and Tri-County groups and do not necessarily reflect the philosophy of AA as a whole. For more information on AA visit Alcoholics Anonymous home website. For the history and information on the Intergroup itself visit our history section. Our website is maintained by the Tri-County Intergroup for Districts 14, 19, and 20. This ‘AA Intergroup’ serves groups in St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren counties in Missouri. All of the files contained in this website are in PDF (portable document file) or html format.