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Terms and Conditions:

  • Donations can be accepted only from members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • By this donation, you certify that you are a member of AA.
  • You also acknowledge that the annual donation limit from individuals to AA is $3,000.

Donations details

Your Tricounty Intergroup carries out the tasks of Alcoholics Anonymous that cannot be done by any single Group.

Your tax-deductible contribution to Tricounty Intergroup is a gift that helps carry the message to recovering alcoholics and the alcoholics who still suffer.

  • Tricounty Intergroup is where many alcoholics make their first contact with A.A., where thousands of A.A. members and prospective members call or log on our Website for meeting information, bookstore sales, and referral to treatment resources. We take no profit from our literature sales.
  • Your Tricounty Intergroup produces and distributes meeting directories, manages this AA Website, sells A.A. conference-approved literature, and provides service materials throughout Districts 14, 19 and 20. (FACT: The Tricounty Intergroup manages over 5,000 phone calls and over 60,000 Website visits per year.)

The bottom line: we need to keep attracting practicing alcoholics by saying, “Here’s how to reach us. If you have a drinking problem, we are here for you. You will find help here.” For your convenience, you can now make secure donations by your credit card directly from this Website. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are making a group donation, please specify your group number in the “comments” portion of the donation page.

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Terms and Conditions:

  • Donations can be accepted only from members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • By this donation, you certify that you are a member of AA.
  • You also acknowledge that the annual donation limit from individuals to AA is $3,000.