“By choosing its most qualified member as GSR, a group helps secure its own future — and the future of A.A. as a whole.”*
General Service Pamphlet P-19
What it means to be a GSR…
The GSR is the link between the group and A.A. as a whole. This link becomes a channel through which news, information, opinions and ideas can flow back and forth. This gives the group a voice in the affairs of the Fellowship. The GSR is that voice. The group’s voice is heard when the GSR is present, participates, and votes at district meetings (District 14 Procedure Manual) and area assemblies (EAMO.org).
To find out more about this service position…
GSO’s G.S.R.: General Service Representative (Pamphlet)(P-19)
GSO’s A.A. Group…Where it all Begins (Pamphlet)(P-16)
It is suggested new G.S.R.s and Alternate G.S.R.s obtain the following
GSO G.S.R. Kit (F-57)
The A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Service(BM-31)