District 14 Secretary Committee

Duties of the secretary include:

  • Maintain an updated list of all members of the District Committee
  • Take minutes at the monthly district meeting and send copies to all groups
  • Keep files of minutes and all printed information pertinent to District 14
  • Provide GSRs with access to Group Information Change Procedures

An in depth description of the Secretary’s duties and responsibilities can be found in the District 14 Procedure Manual.

The District 14 meeting minutes are compiled by the secretary.

If you need to update your group’s information with the AA General Service Office (GSO) please do so using their form-28.

New groups can be registered with GSO using their form-30.

Please use the form below to directly contact the Secretary for District 14.  Anonymity is the foundation of our organization. Your personal information will be held in confidence.

District 14 Secretary Contact