District 14 Alternate DCM

Duties/responsibilities of the Alternate District Committee Member (DCM) are as follows: 

  • Perform the duties of the DCM in his/her absence.
  • In the event of a permanent absence by the DCM the Alternate DCM shall assume the remaining term of the DCM and a special election will be held to elect a new Alternate DCM.
  • Serve a two-year term consecutive to the two-year service rotation of Area 38 officers, with elections in the fall of every even-numbered year, beginning their official term in January of the following odd-numbered year.
  • Attend each of the four annual area assemblies held by EAMO Area 38, held in locations throughout the area, at the expense of the district as identified in the expense reimbursement guidelines.

Please use the form below to directly contact the Alternate District Committee Member for District 14.  Anonymity is the foundation of our organization. Your personal information will be held in confidence.

District 14 Alt DCM Contact