Cooperating with the Professional Community (CPC) / Public Information (PI)
Members of the CPC committee inform professionals and future professionals about A.A.
- Establishing better communication with professionals working with alcoholics
- Finding simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating
- Explaining clearly what A.A. does and doesn’t do
GSO’s How A.A. Members Cooperate With the Professional Community (Pamphlet)
GSO’s A.A. Guidelines on Cooperation With the Professional Community
Members of the PI committee convey A.A. information to the general public.
- Giving presentations about A.A. to schools and organizations
- Providing information about A.A. through digital and print materials
- Ensuring local media have accurate information about A.A. through PSAs anonymity-protected interviews and press kits.
GSO’s A.A. In Your Community (Pamphlet)
GSO’s A.A. Guidelines on Public Information
To find out more information or see how you can help please fill out the form below. Anonymity is the foundation of our organization. Your personal information will be held in confidence.